At this point in my life, some pretty serious things have happened. Its hard to say whether I really want to share all the gory details here. For now just trust me when I say, its been a long journey, most of it has been pretty ugly, and plenty of it has been my own doing.
Truth be told, I think I have to take a little time to create a plan for what to say and when. Planning is a good thing for writers such as myself who have the tendency to ramble. For now, there are a few things I want to declare.
First, I am absolutely without a doubt a believer in The Lord, Jesus Christ and what all christ-walkers believe He did. There, you know the truth of it, and you probably already knew this but its important to be right out with it.
Second, I have no desire to make another pretty blog or whatever I end up doing with this of some perfect christian who never does anything wrong, who has every answer, or who did everything right. I am what many would call born-again. I lived plenty of life and made a LOT of bad choices along the way, frankly at some points even after accepting Christ into my life and my heart. This will absolutely be something I am open about. Because frankly, no one cares for a liar, and no one needs a perfect specimen of how to do everything perfect. I don't trust those who act that way. With good reason, too. They are most likely not being honest. That or they simply don't wish to share their life with the world, and that's fair. Truly, not everyone wants the world to know every dirty detail of their life, and that is alright, too. My experience is that the more you try to keep things quiet or secret, however, the less you control those things and the more they control you.
So, a lot of ugly things may end up being shared here, stories and history. The prevailing tone I would like you all to keep in mind, however, is that the point is things can be different, even if bad things and stupid choices are made. What I hope for is that the over arching point that will shine through is that no matter what has gone on, there is a chance for home and a new choice to be made right now, in the moment, and that entirely resides with YOU.
Third, I am opinionated and I will express that opinion in rather flat and unforgiving terms sometimes. Be that as it may, I want people to understand that the biggest point ever is the celebrate God's creation! YOU! ME! The whole place we reside here. However harsh an opinion may seem, I want you, the reader, to understand that the fact is Love will prevail, and it should prevail. That I do not mean to ostracize anyone, and I do not mean offense. I want you all to take a long look at yourself if you find yourself offended at something said and examine what you have to in yourself. I ask this because offense and anger are far more to do with the person feeling the emotion than the person saying whatever it is that has triggered the response. Basic psychology, nothing more.
Perhaps not the last thing ever, but certainly the last thing for now; I am on a mission. Right now, it is through healing. My intention is to help people who read, and it is to bring a different light to how people approach the whole idea of faith and Jesus. There are a lot of things that are not really addressed or talked about and it would be amazing to offer that up here.
Things will get messy. I won't be perfect. I'm making a firm decision and statement here saying that I will not apologize for things being messy or imperfect. I will not apologize for stating things as they are. If you're plan is to have an idol, you will want to choose someone else, because the fact is, I am no marble statue of perfect anything, I am very human and very broken and very flawed in my very nature. Nevertheless, I am also a person of logic and reason. I do not condone violence, and I don't condone ignorance. I don't agree with a lot of things going on today. I disagree with they way so many people have us out there chasing our tails instead of being real and true. I have no intention of hiding my life or my past. I won't say I'm sorry for it. Although I will very likely express some regret at times. I won't say I'm proud of everything. Not ever. But I own no one anything but God. I don't say this out of pride or haughtiness. I say this because I will not answer to any reader for my life. It happened and it is what it is.
It is my hope that all I put down here will be genuine, it will be honest, and it will help people. It will teach people. That is my fondest hope. Nothing more or less. As the plan develops, you may hear more from me.
For God, and His glory. (I pray)
Many blessings.
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